3 Generations of Passion
Founded in 1964, CTR is a privately held, third-generation company based outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Back in the day, CTR stood for “Cincinnati Time Recorders” as CTR was one of the leading time clock distributors in Pennsylvania.
Over fifty years later, customers still know us by the name “CTR” but we have evolved to much more than just punching time clocks. Today, CTR provides a full application suite to assist managing your employees from hire to retire—a true “Human Capital Management” solution that can literally automate and simplify every aspect of the employee life cycle.
CTR is proud of its ability to continue to evolve through decades of ever changing technology in our industry. We feel that our unwavering commitment to continue to provide the latest technology and services has contributed to our longevity and success.

Decades of Experience
However, even more than technology, our success is most attributable to our staff! Our staff consists of experienced professionals, most with more than a decade of experience with payroll, time and attendance, human resources, and benefits administration. We are a team of relentless problem solvers who continue to dedicate ourselves to assist our customers daily while also juggling their families, faith, hobbies, and more. Meet Our Team »
So what does CTR Stand for now? As a Third-Generation Woman-Owned business, we have jokingly said “Chicks that Rock!” But the reality is— CTR is much more than our three letters. Contact Us today to find out!
A Peak Into Our History
CTR was founded by Mr. William R. Duffy in 1964. CTR, which initially stood for “Cincinnati Time Recorders,” and first established itself as a distributor of mechanical time clocks and parking and revenue control systems. Mr. Duffy’s penchant for excellent customer service quickly drove CTR to become a leader in the sale and service of time clocks in the local Pittsburgh market.

A History of Innovation
In 1980, CTR brought an innovative new product to the market: PC-based time and attendance systems. Over the next 25 years, as the demand for automated time solutions increased, CTR became one of the largest and most successful time and attendance distributors in the Northeastern US with over 3,000 time and attendance customers.

Constant Expansion
As CTR grew, our clients were also looking for integrated solutions such as payroll and human resources. In response, CTR expanded its product offering in 1999 to include integrated Payroll and Human Resources Solutions and Services, which led to the establishment of CTR Employee Management Services, Inc. Our focus on prompt and personalized customer support quickly led our payroll service bureau to process over 40,000 checks per month for clients across the United States.

You Spoke, We Listened
The demand for integrated solutions soon became replaced with “single-source.” Our customers spoke, and we listened. CTR is now proud to announce our “Human Capital Management” division which is a single source for Payroll, Tax Filing, Human Resources, Time and Attendance, Benefits Administration, Onboarding, and more.
Better yet, our customers have the ease of handling all of their mission-critical Human Capital Management functions through our Single Database isolved HCM Solution.