We offer several different pay options to meet your needs and your schedule:

Direct Deposit
Many Companies are moving toward paperless. CTR provides unlimited direct deposits accounts for employees. However, before making a decision to mandate direct deposit for your organization, it is important to understand the individualized pay laws by state. Please see the attached state-by-state pay law guide.

In-house Check Printing
Unlike most payroll service bureaus, CTR provides the flexibility for clients to print their own checks in-house. It’s the ease and convenience you need!

Pay Cards
Save your company money by significantly reducing the costs associated with paper paychecks. Employees also save money through eliminating check cashing fees, and further benefit from the convenience of having a widely-accepted debit card. Pay Cards are ideal for employees who are currently unable to take advantage of direct deposit including, temporary, part-time, contracted or unbanked employees. Please see additional information below regarding our pay card services powered by Sole Financial.
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