2019 Human Resources Year-End Tasks
Preparing for a new year isn’t an easy job. Look through this year-end tasks checklist to make sure you’ve got a handle on everything.
Preparing for a new year isn’t an easy job. Look through this year-end tasks checklist to make sure you’ve got a handle on everything.
Conducting open enrollment can be a chaotic time for HR professionals. Here are a few things to consider as you navigate the open enrollment waters.
While organizations devote huge chunks of their yearly budget to ensure they present a good public image for potential clients or customers, many often overlook their employer brand. In other words, what do you, as an employer, look like to current, former, and potential workers?
Most members of your organization are probably going to complete some sort of training throughout their tenure with your company. However, a question that often comes up is, should I pay employees for training?
Think about some of the softer benefits of working at your organization, and don’t be afraid to broadcast them. Chances are your company already offers a few perks employees want.
While your Component 1 data filings were due May 31st, the EEOC has extended the deadline to ensure your company has ample time to compile and file its Component 2 report.
Taking corrective action with your employees isn’t the most pleasant part of the job. However, failing to do so is much worse. Whether you’re addressing poor performance or unsatisfactory behavior, it’s critically important to document all of your communication.
Every organization can benefit from fresh, new perspectives that come with that perfect hire. However, finding that ideal candidate can be a bit hectic. Take the time upfront to nail down your recruitment strategies to find the best fit for your open position.
At the end of the day, you need to treat remote workers exactly like you would if they were at the desk next to you. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you integrate working from home into your office culture.
In an earlier blog post, we examined some of the most common causes of workplace conflict. Conflict can spring for any number of reasons—miscommunication, competing priorities, or just good old-fashioned workplace drama. No matter where it comes from, quickly and amicably finding a resolution to conflict should be a top priority.
Knowing how to spot the root causes of conflict at work helps you be proactive and establish processes to prevent issues before the arise.
Holidays, vacations and other PTO might count toward a 40-hour work week, but that doesn’t mean they factor into an employee’s ability to collect overtime.
Earlier this summer, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission finalized what exactly is required of businesses when filing the EEO-1 report. How has the EEO-1 changed and who needs to file what and when?