HR Management in iSolved

Join us Wednesday April 15 @ 1pm as we discuss how to manage and track employee data in iSolved. In addition, we will review: How These Tools will Assist you … Continued

CARES Act Tax Credit Playbook

Join us for a webinar covering the additional tax credits and tax deferral options under the CARES Act. In this webinar, we will cover: The Employee Retention Tax Credit Payroll … Continued

COVID-19 Industry Spotlight: Healthcare

We will be interviewing special guest panelists from the healthcare field to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted their industry and their specific businesses.

COVID-19 Industry Spotlight: Non-Profits

We will be interviewing special guest panelists from the non-profit sector to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted their industry and their specific businesses.

PPP Loan Forgiveness Update

Join us for a webinar discussing:
- The relevant changes to PPP loan forgiveness since the enactment of the PPP Flexibility Act on June 5, 2020
- An overview of the new PPP loan forgiveness applications
- Frequently asked questions
- Anticipated changes related to loan forgiveness

iSolved 101

Have a new employee or just want to brush up your skills? This is the webinar for you! We will provide an overview of iSolved Navigation & Employee Management. Register … Continued