CARES Act Tax Credit Playbook

Join us for a webinar covering the additional tax credits and tax deferral options under the CARES Act. In this webinar, we will cover: The Employee Retention Tax Credit Payroll … Continued

COVID-19 Industry Spotlight: Healthcare

We will be interviewing special guest panelists from the healthcare field to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted their industry and their specific businesses.

COVID-19 Industry Spotlight: Non-Profits

We will be interviewing special guest panelists from the non-profit sector to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted their industry and their specific businesses.

PPP Loan Forgiveness Update

Join us for a webinar discussing:
- The relevant changes to PPP loan forgiveness since the enactment of the PPP Flexibility Act on June 5, 2020
- An overview of the new PPP loan forgiveness applications
- Frequently asked questions
- Anticipated changes related to loan forgiveness

iSolved 101

Have a new employee or just want to brush up your skills? This is the webinar for you! We will provide an overview of iSolved Navigation & Employee Management. Register … Continued

CTR CARES PPP Loan Forgiveness Report

Join CTR as we cover the CTR CARES PPP Loan Forgiveness Report. As you know, there have been several updates to PPP Loan Forgiveness which has resulted in changes to the PPP Loan Forgiveness Report.