CTR CARES PPP Loan Forgiveness Report

Join CTR as we cover the CTR CARES PPP Loan Forgiveness Report. As you know, there have been several updates to PPP Loan Forgiveness which has resulted in changes to the PPP Loan Forgiveness Report.

PPP Loan Forgiveness Update

Join us for a webinar discussing:
– The relevant changes to PPP loan forgiveness since the enactment of the PPP Flexibility Act on June 5, 2020
– An overview of the new PPP loan forgiveness applications
– Frequently asked questions
– Anticipated changes related to loan forgiveness

Employee Retention Tax Credit FAQs

If you’re considering the Employee Retention Tax Credits under the CARES Act, we recommend reviewing the newly released FAQS from the IRS. The IRS has released 94 FAQs with calculation examples.

Paycheck Protection Program Clarifications | CTR Payroll Services

Paycheck Protection Program Clarifications

The Treasury Department has released FAQs providing further clarification of the PPP Loan program. Please review this overview carefully to determine if the changes impact your loan. Additionally, be sure to consult the official Treasury Department FAQs page.

CARES Act Key Provisions | CTR Payroll Services Pittsburgh

CARES Act Key Provisions for Small Business

On March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which includes many key provisions to assist small and mid-sized businesses. Here are some of the CARES Act key provisions that may have an immediate impact on your business.